Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
One Hundred Miles

Can anything good come from a mediation between a man who raped a fellow partygoer, the victim and her parents?

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
"It's not what we expected"

Living in medias res

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
Recreating Trauma

Grief can lead to smoldering hate or to new meaning of life.

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
poor spirits

It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 NRSV

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
Stillness and Creation

The experience of being part of a holy moment is deepened when we prepare.

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
This is a Parable. It is True

Repression breeds violence.

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
Baskin's Walk

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
Redemption of One Who Murdered

Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faith
Gender equity
Criminal Justice
A Sunday of Epiphanies

In the midst of all our plans, God shows up.

About Louise Stowe-Johns

I'm a writer,
a mediator,
a pastor,
an educator,
a lover of the arts,
a wife,
a mother,
and on occasion,
a pot stirrer.