Baskin's Walk
“Somebody needs to take a walk
to get the kinks out.”
“I can’t,” he said, “it’s going to snow
next month.
“I can’t,” I said, “I have a meeting
in ten days.
“Who turned up the heat?” I ask.
He asks, “Why is the heat turned down?
Baskin, our snowball savvy cat
Strolls through the canyon littered with grievances.
She jumps on the cat tree perch and looks at us
with disdain.
I relinquish.
“Get the leash.” I say to Baskin.
She and I meet at the front door
to get the kinks out
a walk
I'm a writer,
a mediator,
a pastor,
an educator,
a lover of the arts,
a wife,
a mother,
and on occasion,
a pot stirrer.
Can anything good come from a mediation between a man who raped a fellow partygoer, the victim and her parents?
Living in medias res
Grief can lead to smoldering hate or to new meaning of life.
It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 NRSV
The experience of being part of a holy moment is deepened when we prepare.
Repression breeds violence.