*Originally Published March 25, 2016
The forces of hate, bigotry, and jealousy burned
but gave no light.
The force of love smoldered
readying to explode into
God’s Friday.
I'm a writer,
a mediator,
a pastor,
an educator,
a lover of the arts,
a wife,
a mother,
and on occasion,
a pot stirrer.
Can anything good come from a mediation between a man who raped a fellow partygoer, the victim and her parents?
Living in medias res
Grief can lead to smoldering hate or to new meaning of life.
It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 NRSV
The experience of being part of a holy moment is deepened when we prepare.
Repression breeds violence.