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A rare opportunity to hear voices from death row comes in the book, Redemption of a Murderer: The Life of Judy Neelley. When Judy ran away from home with her future husband, she was barely fifteen; he was eleven years older. Three years later she committed two murders. But was she solely responsible? What impact did Judy’s husband have on her from the beatings, rapes, belittling, threats, and isolation?

Topics that Intrigue Me:

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Any society that strives for justice must tackle the hard reality that events occur which are not fair. Until we are committed to restoration, which foregoes endless punishment, and not retribution, the cycles of criminality and victimization will tragically repeat. We should tend to the needs of victims that go beyond the legal. We should assist the offender in taking responsibility for the harm caused. Rather than multiplying enemies we can repair relationships and communities.

Criminal Justice Reform

criminal justice reform

The United States incarcerates the largest number of people per capita of any industrialized country. Russia imprisons slightly more than half of our numbers. The U. S. rate is about six times greater than Canada. If we want to reduce victimization and crime we will have to focus on the quality of imprisonment in jails and prisons, not the quantity of persons and length of sentences.

Gender Equity

Gender equity

The binary definition of female or male has taken a blow and that is good. Glaring inequalities and stereotypes of gender and prejudice toward “the other,” whether based on skin color, language, personality traits, and anything else that does not comport as part of our tribe, have crushed many and deprived us of talents, and marvelous life adventures.


Stories About living

Stories can be powerful. They can often hold our interest and communicate better than a lecture. The best linger in our minds and provide insights about ourselves and others. I enjoy writing and sharing stories on my blog. They are generally in one of two categories: Bible stories set in modern context to bring insights to the familiar and stories of humor and heartache.

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
One Hundred Miles

Can anything good come from a mediation between a man who raped a fellow partygoer, the victim and her parents?

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
"It's not what we expected"

Living in medias res

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
Recreating Trauma

Grief can lead to smoldering hate or to new meaning of life.

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
poor spirits

It is better to be of a lowly spirit among the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19 NRSV

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
Stillness and Creation

The experience of being part of a holy moment is deepened when we prepare.

Criminal Justice Reform
Gender Equity
Restorative Justice
Day-to-day living faitH
This is a Parable. It is True

Repression breeds violence.